10 Activities You Can Do Without Drinking

10 Activities You Can Do Without Drinking

Looking for activity ideas that don't involve booze? Here are ten ways to have fun and stay active without the need for alcohol. 

  1. Cooking or baking: Try a new recipe or bake your favorite treats at home. Cooking and baking are fun and creative ways to spend your time, and you'll have a delicious meal or snack to enjoy when you're finished.

  2. Exercise: You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a good workout in. There are plenty of workout videos and apps that you can use at home, or try something like yoga or meditation.

  3. Reading: Pick up a good book and spend some time getting lost in a story. Treat yourself to a hot cup of specialty tea, or a good coffee while you do it.

  4. Board games or video games: Gather some friends or family members and play your favorite board or video game. It's a great way to spend time together and have some friendly competition.

  5. Outdoor activities: Spending time outside is good for your mental and physical health - even if it's just for 15 minutes. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or try gardening.

  6. Watch a movie or tv show: Discover a new show or revisit a classic favorite. Make some popcorn, sit back and relax. For extra points, pour yourself a glass of alcohol-free wine.

  7. Arts and crafts: Exercising your creativity is a great way to curb the urge to drink. If you aren't a super "crafty" type, try an adult coloring book - they're surprisingly fulfilling!

  8. Go to a museum or cultural event: Spend an afternoon looking at great art, check out a science museum or go to a concert. Feeding your mind is a great way to reduce boozy cravings.

  9. Try a new hobby: This is a personal favorite of mine. I can spend hours on YouTube learning new things, from macrame to photography.

  10. Volunteer: Giving back to your community is a great way to feel good and make a difference. Some ideas: sign up to clean up a local park, go play with animals at a shelter, or help out at a food pantry.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. The most important thing is to find something you enjoy and that makes you happy!

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