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abstinence non-alcoholic negroni cocktail mocktail recipe

Abstinence Negroni

This alcohol-free Negroni-riff hails from South Africa and uses two of our favorite products: Abstinence Cape Citrus and Abstinence Bittersweet Blood Orange Aperitif. The result is a bitter, tonic-tingedĀ cocktail - a result of the quinine in the Abstinence Aperitif - accompanied by warming spice notes from the Cape Citrus spirit.

  • 1 oz (2 tbs) AbstinenceĀ Cape Citrus
  • 2 oz (1/4 cup) Abstinence Bittersweet Blood Orange Aperitif

Combine both ingredients over one large ice cube and stir to combine. Garnish with an orange twist or orange slice.


For a less bitter version, try 1.5 oz (3 tbs) of each ingredient.


Abstinence Non-Alcoholic Negroni Cocktail Mocktail Kit

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