Passionfruit Rum Punch

Passionfruit Rum Punch

This Caribbean classic goes alcohol-free with Ritual Zero Proof Rum Alternative. Similar to Gosling's, Ritual's non-alcoholic rum is rich and molasses-y, which is just what this drink wants. Perfect on a hot afternoon, there are many ways to play with the recipe depending on your taste and what you have in the fridge.

  • 2 oz (1/4 cup) Ritual Zero Proof Rum Alternative
  • 1 oz (2 tbs) Portland Syrups Citrus Passion
  • 3/4 oz (1 tbs + 1.5 tsp) fresh lime juice
  • 1.5 oz (3 tbs) black iced tea
  • Garnish: Long lemon twist and mint sprig

Brew a strong batch of black tea and let cool. Combine rum alternative, syrup and lime juice in a tall glass filled with ice and top with iced tea. Garnish with a long lemon twist and a mint sprig. Before placing the mint sprig in the glass clap it between your hands to release the oils in the leaves.

  • Use green iced tea instead of black.
  • Use a few dashes of Angostura or other aromatic bitters and still or sparkling water instead of the iced tea (note that Angostura Bitters do contain alcohol, however when used in small quantities they do not add a perceptible amount of alcohol to the drink).
  • Use pineapple or orange juice instead of the passionfruit syrup. In this case, start with a squeeze of lime and increase to taste.


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