Summer Sangria

Summer Sangria

Using (new!) Leitz Alcohol-Free Chardonnay, we're making a fruity and delicious white-wine fruit punch, aka... Summer Sangria that is perfectly refreshing on a hot summer day. A wide variety of fruit, wines, and other flavorings can be used, but here's how we did it. 

One word of advice if you're using peaches or nectarines: don't let the fruit macerate too long or the peaches/nectarines will begin to brown. If that happens, remove them and add fresh slices to serve. 


Hull and slice strawberries. Cut the peaches or nectarines into thin slices. Combine all ingredients in a large wine glass over ice. Top with club soda. Stir and garnish with a sprig of mint if desired. Serve and enjoy!

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