Cut Above alcohol-free spirits

Best Alcohol Free Spirits

Alcohol-free spirit alternatives are growing in popularity - and it's about time! As more and more people choose to reduce, or eliminate, their booze consumption, that doesn't mean we just want to drink soda or juice. Thankfully, a number of creative entrepreneurs have begun to fill the void with all kinds of delicious alcohol free spirits. After many hours of tasting the products available, here are our top picks.
One note before we dive in: non-alcoholic spirits are all made to be mixed into cocktails. They do best in highball or citrusy style drinks. It's very challenging to find any that do well on their own or in more spirit-forward recipes such as a Manhattan or Martini.

Best Alcohol Free Gins

Gin is the most common alcohol free spirit you'll find, perhaps because it's relatively easy to mimic the traditional gin production process of infusing a base distillate with juniper and other botanicals. What's NOT easy is creating the right balance of flavors and achieving the same character as the alcoholic version. Our favorites are:

Best Alcohol Free Whiskeys

It is HARD to imitate the distinctive taste of whiskey, which is probably why so few are available. The best we've found are:

Best Alcohol Free Tequila & Mezcal

Tequila is another alcohol-free spirit option that is hard to recreate. It takes skill to find just the right balance of sweet agave and subtle smoke.

Best Alcohol Free Rum

Our favorite non-alcoholic rum so far is Ritual Zero Proof Rum Alternative, which is similar to Gosling's in flavor: lots of caramel and banana flambee. It's great with ginger beer for a Dark 'n Stormy or in a virgin Mai Tai.

Best Alcohol Free Vodka

By definition, vodka is a neutral spirit, which means it's very hard to create an alcohol-free version: once you remove the alcohol from it you're left with ... water. We recommend checking out these alcohol-free spirit options instead.

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